The studies on this app have been published in a series of papers in the peer-reviewed journals
Seizure and
Epilepsy and
Behavior. These are listed below:
Patterson V, Gautam N, Pant P.
Training non-neurologists to diagnose epilepsy.
Seizure 2013, 22:306-8.
Patterson V, Pant P, Gautam N, Bhandari A.
A Bayesian Tool for Epilepsy Diagnosis in the Resource-poor World: development and early validation.
Seizure 2014, in press
Click here for audioslides of the second paper.
Patterson V, Singh M, Rajbhandari H, Vishnubhatla S.
Validation of a phone app for epilepsy diagnosis in India and Nepal.
Seizure 2015; 30:46-9
Patterson V, Samant S, Jain Y, Singh MB.
Computer-naive health workers can use a tablet-based epilepsy diagnosis app.
Epilepsy Behav. 2017;70:274-5
Patterson V, Samant S, Singh MB, Jain P, Agavane V, Jain Y.
Diagnosis of epileptic seizures by community health workers using a mobile app: A comparison with physicians and a neurologist.
Seizure 2018; 55:4-8
The work has been the subject of a Virtual Special Edition of the journal Seizure entitled
Bridging the Epilepsy Treatment Gap.
The work has been presented at the American Academy of Neurology Meeting 2014 in Philadelphia (poster available
here) and has been the subject of an Invited Presentation at the International League Against Epilepsy meeting in Barcelona, September 2017